Thursday 23 October 2014

Aims and objectives of town planning

The main objectives of the town planning may be summarized in three words viz. Health,
Convenience and Beauty
1. Health :
  • To create and promote healthy conditions and environments for all the people – rich and poor, to live, to work, to play or relax.
  • To make right use of the land for the right purpose by proper division of land called zoning such as residential, commercial industrial, institutional and recreational etc.
2. Convenience :
  • The object of convenience is meant in the form of various needs of the community such as social, economic, cultural and recreational amenities etc. Public amenities required for the proper upkeep of the citizens include water supply, sanitation, electricity, post, telegraph, gas etc., proper sites for industrial, commercial, business enterprises to encourage them in trade with cheap power, transport services, drainage etc.
  • Recreational amenities include open spaces, parks, gardens and playgrounds, for children and town halls stadiums, community centers, cinema houses, and theaters for adults.

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